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Who's Who in Aerospace: These are the people taking the Land of Enchantment to new heights

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What companies are making waves in the local aerospace sector? Who are the people behind those organizations driving that innovation? What could their impact mean for New Mexico?

Those were the questions the editorial team at Albuquerque Business First asked as we began to assemble our Who’s Who in Aerospace list. The answers to those questions led us to eight individuals who we felt were worth highlighting. The selection process was purely editorial based and did not involve an application or outside judges.

From legal expertise to lunar mission endeavors and everything in between, each of the honorees comes to the industry from a different background. But each person's work is helping to propel the sector to new heights.

The commonality amongst them is that they all seem to agree that New Mexico has a big role to play in advancing aerospace on both a national and global scale.

Below, you can learn more about the exact initiatives the honorees are spearheading and how those out-of-this-world efforts (pun definitely intended) could move New Mexico forward. A special Who's Who in Aerospace section can also be found in the Nov. 11 print edition of Business First.

– Profiles were assembled by Jacob Maranda and Meagan Nichols

Melinda Allen
Melinda Allen, president/CEO, New Mexico Partnership
New Mexico Partnership
Melinda Allen

President/CEO, New Mexico Partnership

Number of years in current role: 3

Number of years with your company: 5

What companies have you previously worked at? URENCO USA; Economic Development Corp. of Lea County

Education: Undergraduate, Brigham Young University; Master of Arts, Florida International University

Brief description of what your job entails: I am responsible for directing the marketing and lead generation activities for the New Mexico Partnership. We are the state’s designated single point of contact for businesses that are looking to expand into or relocate to New Mexico. We provide those companies with assistance through the site selection process, provide data on key business factors, organize strategic meetings with key business and community leaders, assist in evaluating incentives and other help as needed during their decision making process to locate in the state.

Biggest career accomplishment: Over the years, I have been fortunate to work as part of the New Mexico team to recruit many companies to the state that have created hundreds of quality jobs for our residents. Any time we assist a company, big or small, to locate in the New Mexico, I feel a great sense of accomplishment.

Favorite part about your job: Being able to help companies learn more about the possibilities in New Mexico. I like sharing all of the advancements and opportunities that exist and helping to broaden a company’s perspective to include New Mexico in their search for new business solutions.

What are your overall thoughts on the aerospace industry in New Mexico? The aerospace industry in New Mexico is a growing and thriving industry sector. The supporting ecosystem continues to expand, which has the power to attract additional companies to locate in the state. It is my belief that this industry will continue to grow and be a source of new projects for the next several years.

Board/association memberships: NMIDEA; IAMC; IEDC; AUVSI; Outdoor Industry Assoc.

Gerard Bennett
Gerard Bennett, aeronautical engineer, Sandia National Laboratories
Sandia National Laboratories
Gerard Bennett

Aeronautical engineer, Sandia National Laboratories

Number of years in current role: 3

Number of years with your company: 5

Education: Undergraduate, master's in aerospace engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology

Brief description of what your job entails: My job entails building simulations, developing guidance and control algorithms, leading research projects and providing flight dynamics consultation.

Biggest career accomplishment: Created an autonomous gain scheduling framework that has been applied to multiple vehicles for gain tuning.

Next big career goal: Successfully deploying a neural network-based guidance system to an aircraft. This is currently my primary research area.

Favorite part about your job: Working with world-class colleagues. Having competent and supportive co-workers is highly beneficial for developing and executing innovative ideas.

What are your overall thoughts on the aerospace industry in New Mexico? New Mexico has a diverse aerospace industry with there being commercial aerospace companies, national laboratories that work on aerospace projects and aerospace testing facilities.

Board/association memberships: Sandia's Black Leadership Committee

Maureen Gannon
Maureen Gannon, co-founder/chief revenue officer, X-Bow Systems Inc.
Courtesy Maureen Gannon
Maureen Gannon

Co-founder/chief revenue officer, X-Bow Systems Inc.

Number of years in current role: 5+

What companies have you previously worked at? Firefly Space Systems; Galactic Unite

Education: Undergraduate, master's of international management, University of St. Thomas

Brief description of what your job entails: As a founder, my job is different every day with the goal of growing and nurturing both the company and the team. As chief revenue officer, my job is to build relationships with customers and partners around the country and the world.

Biggest career accomplishment: I’ll raise two: Successful first launch of X-Bow’s rocket in July 2022 at White Sands Missile Range. And standing up Galactic Unite and securing funding for the program’s first scholarship recipients.

Next big career goal: Scaling X-Bow as a business and working on our first lunar mission.

Favorite part about your job: Actively taking part in a company and industry that is advancing technology, with significance in everything from aerospace and national security needs to other commercial industries. The relationships with our customers and partners continue to be my favorite part of the job.

What are your overall thoughts on the aerospace industry in New Mexico? The aerospace industry in New Mexico is robust and growing. From the economic development incentives to the talented workforce — along with the support from local and federal leaders — New Mexico is a great place to be.

Board/association memberships: X-Bow Systems, Inc., board observer

Dan Gillings
Dan Gillings, sector president, BlueHalo
Dan Gillings

Sector president, BlueHalo

Number of years in current role: 2

What companies have you previously worked at? Honeywell; SAIC; Applied Technology Associates (acquired by BlueHalo)

Education: Undergraduate, North Dakota State University; MBA, University of New Mexico

Brief description of what your job entails: My entire career has been focused on developing innovative solutions to support space and defense mission needs. As sector president of BlueHalo, my responsibilities include the operation of our Labs Sector in accordance with established strategic plans designed to solve some of the challenges facing the national security market. Day-to-day activities include Labs Sector operations, helping to establish strategic technology roadmaps and supporting business development for Labs — including many of our Albuquerque-based operations.

Biggest career accomplishment: BlueHalo’s recent $1.4 billion contract award to help the U.S. Space Command augment satellite capabilities for our nation has to be one of the most exciting, challenging and fulfilling team accomplishments to date. This program will include full lifecycle development from initial design through full-rate production and will deliver premier satellite operations capability — maximizing automation, flexibility and commonality while enabling continuous modernization. This contract award has established BlueHalo as a top-tier system integrator and is driving our monumental growth in New Mexico.

Next big career goal: As more and more of our disruptive technologies move from concept to development to deployment, I am most looking forward to expanding our capabilities beyond research and development into manufacturing. While I have always been extremely proud of the work we do and the services we provide, increasing our manufacturing capacity is a major milestone toward putting our innovations into the hands of the people who need it most — whether that is our national security partners, warfighters on the frontlines or health care providers. Through our recent expansions in Albuquerque, creating an entire BlueHalo campus inside Sandia Science & Technology Park, and through our active local talent acquisition efforts, we are rapidly gearing up in Albuquerque to support the increasing demand for our mission-critical technologies. I am thrilled to be part of a team that is focused on expanding manufacturing in New Mexico.

Favorite part about your job: How about two? The mission is what drives our work and what keeps us passionate. I love the satisfaction of knowing that the hard work we’re putting in is going to yield technological advancements for our country and for our warfighters. Whether it is the major improvements in satellite technologies or our increased capabilities to explore and expand our knowledge about space or the transformation of the way our warfighters protect our nation and maintain a technological advantage over adversaries. All of this is made possible by the work being done by BlueHalo here in Albuquerque.

We are already seeing major achievements brought to bear from the innovations of BlueHalo. It’s a legacy — not just of my work but of the incredible things that happen when brilliant people work together with one mission. And that has to also be one of my favorite parts of this job — this team, our people we affectionately refer to as “HaloNation.” I can confidently say that this is one of the most talented team of innovators, researchers, engineers and change-makers that I’ve had the pleasure to serve. There is an energy around this place and these people that make every day not only fun and exciting but truly impactful.

What are your overall thoughts on the aerospace industry in New Mexico? With our abundance of scientists and engineers, New Mexico has been a driving force in the development of new technologies — many of which have been in the Aerospace Industry. However, over the years, I’ve watched many of these disruptive technologies move out of state for manufacturing. It’s time to take these great new solutions developed in New Mexico and manufacture them right here in New Mexico as we build out a stronger state economy.

Board/association memberships: Sandia Science & Technology Park Community Advisory Council

Dayan Hochman-Vigil
Dayan Hochman-Vigil, general counsel, Sceye Inc.
Liz Lopez
Day Hochman-Vigil

General counsel, Sceye Inc.

Number of years in current role: 3

Number of years with your company: 1+

What companies have you previously worked at? DHV Law; Roybal-Mack & Cordova; Eckert Seamans, Cherin & Merlot

Education: Undergraduate, Colorado College; Juris doctor, University of New Mexico School of Law; Master of Laws, McGill University Institute of Air and Space Law

Brief description of what your job entails: Advising C-suite executives on all issues related to legal compliance, including, but not limited to: federal and state regulatory compliance, aviation, contract and employment law and complex litigation issues related to the day-to-day operations of Sceye Inc., which develops and manufactures high-altitude platform stations (HAPS).

Biggest career accomplishment: Assisting in the establishment and continued development of New Mexico’s “space valley” and commercial aviation and space economy as both an aviation lawyer and elected representative to the New Mexico Legislature.

Next big career goal: Continued development and commercial launch of Sceye HAPS around the world.

Favorite part about your job: Learning more and more about a fascinating industry and area of the law that I love; meeting brilliant people daily who want to change the world through aerospace development.

What are your overall thoughts on the aerospace industry in New Mexico? New Mexico is primed and ready to become the global epicenter of commercial space development, as well as a national hub for STEM-related tech transfer benefiting the aerospace industry. It is a great time to be a New Mexican interested in space development.

Board/association memberships: American Bar Association Forum on Air and Space Law; National Conference of State Legislatures; State Bar of New Mexico.

Scott McLaughlin
Spaceport America executive director Scott McLaughlin
Jesse J. Ramirez
Scott McLaughlin

Executive Director, New Mexico Spaceport Authority

Number of years in current role: 2

Number of years with your company: 3

What companies have you previously worked at? Radian International LLC; Applied Technologies Inc.; DeTect Inc.; Radiometrics Corp.

Education: Undergraduate, New Mexico State University; in-progress master's in management, Colorado State University-Global

Brief description of what your job entails: My charge as the executive director is to properly administer this small independent state agency, to support current and attract additional customers, to manage Spaceport facilities growth and operations, to facilitate economic development of the aerospace ecosystem in New Mexico, to encourage aerospace workforce development and to be sure operations at the spaceport are as safe as possible.

Biggest career accomplishment: Successfully founding a new division of a company to produce meteorological radars of my own design. These systems included several new innovative features, and I also had to find buildings and to hire staff to continue to design, manufacture and service these systems. More than 40 of these radars have been produced and are installed and operating around the world, and the group is still successfully operating after being acquired by another company.

Favorite part about your job: Working with many others to grow the aerospace ecosystem in New Mexico. This includes our growing partners in the New Mexico Space Valley Coalition, as well as the Arrowhead Center at New Mexico State University, the Greater Las Cruces Chamber of Commerce, the City of Las Cruces, the City of Truth or Consequences, Sierra County, Mesilla Valley Economic Development Alliance and many others. We all have a passion of diversifying New Mexico's economic base, increasing good high-paying jobs and making New Mexico a leader in space.

What are your overall thoughts on the aerospace industry in New Mexico? New Mexico is truly primed to grow its aerospace sector. And with commercial space growing at a high rate, we all need to work together to draw in these related companies as well as foster the growth of New Mexico companies. The Spaceport has many competitive advantages over other spaceports and will continue to be a key part of the aerospace ecosystem here. We have a unique advantage in that our universities, various government labs and private companies can conduct their normal design and manufacturing here, as well as test, launch and fly at the Spaceport. It seems far away, but if we work together, we will become a major and critical part of America's aerospace sector.

Board/association memberships: Greater Las Cruces Chamber of Commerce; Optimist Club of Las Cruces; New Mexico Bioscience Authority; NewSpace New Mexico Advisory Board

Brian Barnett
Brian Barnett, CEO and Founder of Solstar Space Co.
M. Brian Barnett

CEO and Founder, Solstar Space Co.

Number of years in current role: 5

Number of years with your company: 5

What companies have you previously worked at? Satwest; KPMG Peat Marwick; NASA

Education: Undergraduate, University of Oklahoma; master's in business and project management, University of Alabama in Huntsville; certificate in space studies, International Space University - Strasbourg, France

Brief description of what your job entails: My focus areas at Solstar include sales and business development, fundraising, executive technical manager for the WiFi access point we are engineering for the HALO module of NASA's Lunar Gateway Space Station, product development and commercialization, presenting and speaking at international space and satellite conferences, marketing and public relations and documenting Solstar's progress in film.

Biggest career accomplishment: Demonstrating the first commercial WiFi hotspot in space on Blue Origin's New Shepard spacecraft. We provided a satellite internet connection to the spacecraft from the launchpad into space and all the way to landing. We posted the first commercial Tweet from space that day and our Schmitt Space Communicator is now at the Smithsonian's Air and Space Museum. It is because of this success that led to Solstar being selected to provide the WiFi equipment on NASA's Lunar Gateway Space Station, which will orbit the moon in a few years.

Favorite part about your job: My favorite part of my work is meeting all the cool people in the space and satellite industries. I see the work we are doing at Solstar as helping planet Earth by making humans a multi-planetary species through space exploration. I also enjoy giving presentations and interviews and watching people smile in amazement when I tell them my company provides WiFi to astronauts.

What are your overall thoughts on the aerospace industry in New Mexico? New Mexico has a proud and important place in space history. Wernher von Braun's German rocket team developed rockets at White Sands Missile Range. I think it is great that the other important rocket scientist, Robert Goddard, chose to build and launch his rockets out of Roswell, and Roswell continues to be the location of choice for things like extremely high-altitude balloon flights and skydiving tests.

New Mexico is a great place to train astronauts on how to work on the Moon and Mars. We have craters, lava tubes and volcanos which are very common on the Moon and on Mars. Spaceport America is a world-class resource for commercial space flights and activities. I am proud to have spent about two years — full time — on early business planning at the Spaceport, and I led the team that studied 11 sites around the state as possible locations for the Spaceport. The location that scored the highest is the exact location where Spaceport America is located today.

My companies have flown two space missions out of the spaceport. I am pleased to see Virgin Galactic and all the other companies that have located at the Spaceport in recent years. And I am glad to see new buildings like a payload operations center being built. I know a lot of research organizations have hired Los Alamos National Lab to support really complex space projects like Mars missions and the New Horizons mission to Pluto. Today, we have parts of the Space Force that are located in Albuquerque, which I think is very exciting. There are quite a few space-related startups in New Mexico now and the NewSpace New Mexico organization helps to bring all those companies together and to publicize our efforts.

Board/association memberships: Mobile Satellite Users Assoc.; FAA's Center of Excellence for Commercial Space Transportation

Casey Anglada DeRaad
Casey Anglada DeRaad is the CEO of NewSpace New Mexico.
Business First Women of Influence
Casey Anglada DeRaad

CEO, NewSpace New Mexico

Number of years in current role: 4

Number of years with your company: 4

What companies have you previously worked at? Air Force Research Laboratory; NASA

Education: Undergraduate, University of New Mexico; master's in electrical engineering, University of New Mexico

Brief description of what your job entails: Growing the commercial space industry from New Mexico for the nation with a mission to accelerate the pace of innovation, create a bigger voice for the space industry stakeholders and leverage the significant research and development investment from federal, state and local organizations.

Biggest career accomplishment: Establishing NewSpace New Mexico and shortly after receiving an $8.5 million grant to establish a NewSpace Innovation Hub to support and grow the space industry sector in New Mexico and the nation.

Favorite part about your job: Making a difference for New Mexico companies and workforce.

What are your overall thoughts on the aerospace industry in New Mexico? The opportunity is before us and New Mexico has always been a leader in space. If we work together, New Mexico can be a leader in the new space age.

Board/association memberships: Albuquerque Hispano Chamber Executive Board; UNM School of Engineering Alumni Leadership Board; UNM Electrical Engineering Advisory Board; Professional Aerospace Contractors Assoc. Board; Aerospace States Assoc. New Mexico Chapter; Leadership New Mexico Board of Directors

A previous version of this story incorrectly identified Day Hochman-Vigil's role with Sceye Inc. Her title should have read general counsel. This error, along with a misspelling, has been corrected.

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